Wednesday, June 11, 2008

HHO Systems in the USA

Sales of HHO systems in Florida, Texas and California have just shot through the roof. HHO systems are actually beginning to appear on news broadcasts in places like the UK, South Africa and the eastern coast of Africa. As the appeal of bio-fuels seems be to in decline because of the increasing cost of food, hydrogen is becoming much more popular after several years in the wilderness.

In fact, many governments are giving orthohydrogen their full backing. This year in the USA, for example, anyone can claim a tax rebate to the tune of anything from $2,000 to $50,000 depending on the weight of the vehicle. An average car gets $2,000, a truck or bus under 26,000 pounds gets $5,000 and anything over that weight gets up to $50,000.

The costs of fitting your own kit are as follows. $60 for an HHO manual. $140 for materials. Possibly $100 if you need a bit of help from a car mechanic. That makes a total of $300. So, keep hold of your manual and receipts as proof for the IRS that you have fitted an HHO kit and you have made $1,700 before you have even started saving on gas.

Even if the thing doesn't work. But it will. Anecdotal evidence shows gas savings from HHO systems from 10% right up to 80%. Scientific studies demonstrate an average saving of 28%. Of course, fleet owners have jumped swiftly on the bandwagon but that doesn't stop the rest of us claiming back $2,000 for each vehicle we own.

The main thing is to get the right instruction guide. You have the option of buying ready-to-fit kits for upwards of $5,000, but that is not necessary at all. There are several excellent guides available which I have personally used to convert 24 cars already.

How Do HHO Systems Work?

There are three components to HHO systems. All the materials are readily available from hardware, plumbing and electrical stores. I order mine from internet retailers.

The critical element is the HHO generator. It normally consists of CPVC housing. An electrolyzer is inserted. Platinum is preferable but stainless steel will do. An electric current is then passed through the water added to the casing and H2O is converted to HHO. The oxyhydrogen element is then released and mixed with oxygen to produce a fuel that burns up to ten times better than standard gasoline. (It works equally well with diesel.)

The second component is a bubbler, or vaporizer. It simply prevents any unwanted vapor entering the carburetor.

The third component is the electrical control unit. It is very easy and cheap to make. It hooks up your electrolyzer to the ignition fuse and grounds all the other wires.

What Are The Advantages Of HHO Systems?

You save a bundle of cash on gas; that is proven. You actually make money via IRS rebates; that is a fact. Some insurance companies offer better premiums; little known, but it is true. Performance in terms of acceleration and torque improve dramatically; this is well known. Engine life is extended by up to 80%; still to be conclusively proven, but it looks that way.

It has come of age, and I'll bet you whatever you want that sales of ipods will be less than those of HHO systems within five years time.