Wednesday, June 11, 2008

HHO Gas Kits in the USA

HHO gas kits require some explanation. These kits are unlikely to disappoint if you get them right. Hydrogen is the most plentiful element available and harnessing its power is nothing new. More than 170 years ago people were beginning to realize ways of converting hydrogen into energy usable by man. Modern day Europe was where the technology evolved.

Today in the U.S.A., HHO gas kits suitable for a normal person's car are becoming commonplace. The methods are simple and within the reach of almost anyone. The reasons for converting cars to run on HHO systems are sound. America relies far too much on energy from abroad, gas prices are rising, and experts are warning of the environmental impact of carbon emissions. Now is the time to be looking into self-sufficiency possibilities.

Using HHO gas kits we can now minimize our reliance on the vagaries of fluctuating oil prices. Kits are readily available from numerous suppliers. Some require a reasonable level of technical competence on the part of the fitter. Others require no technical know-how at all and can be fitted with tools found in most households. To achieve maximum efficiency, it may be necessary to rent or borrow testing and measuring equipment. Remember that HHO gas kits are simply additions to your existing internal combustion engine, not an entire replacement.

Instruction guides to making and installing HHO gas kits should be evaluated thoroughly. Most importantly, always ensure that the publisher offers a full refund if you are not satisfied. It should be a no quibbles guarantee. Look to pay between $50 and $100 for a decent guide.

So what is HHO car fuel all about? Unless you have seen one working, perhaps a friend you know has one, it is hard to believe that the likelihood is most cars will be running on hydrogen by 2020. We have gotten so used to gas-driven vehicles. It is also hard to imagine that a car's performance doesn't need to be affected if it is running on HHO cells.

However, the reality is that already about 2% of cars are now powered by hydrogen fuel cells, mainly home-fixed kits. The results have been spectacular. A small quantity of hydrogen is stored within the vehicle and oxygen introduced from the external air as fuel. Electricity, water and heat are produced. Absolutely no harmful emissions are left. Due to the low level of hydrogen employed, there are no safety issues. In fact, it is far less dangerous thank a tank of combustible gasoline.

With HHO water fuel technologies, the vehicle requires a cell. Into one side, hydrogen is supplied. The hydrogen molecules are split, creating positively charged hydrogen ions and negatively charged electrons. The electrons are then forced around the core of the cell. That produces an electric circuit to supply motor power for the vehicle.

Oxygen must be introduced to the HHO cell. The catalyst contained within the cell splits the oxygen into two atoms. These atoms then combine with the hydrogen ions and electrons, producing water which is then evacuated from the HHO system.

Up to 70% of the hydrogen gas energy is transformed into electrical energy. It can be as low as 30% depending on the efficiency of the overall system, which is where good instructions for HHO gas kits come into their own. But even at 30%, a hydrogen fuel system is still normally more efficient than gasoline used with an internal combustion engine.

As HHO gas kits have become more advanced, the time is now ripe to give it a try yourself. A total outlay of under $800 should get you a system that starts saving you money every week on filling up your gas tank. Bioenergy is here at last.